Sunday, September 26, 2010

高校の時 Interview

なかみさんと話しました。 友だちがいたから、高校はたのしかったと言っています。 なかみさんの高校は八時半にはじまって、四時におわります。 べんきょすろのがきらいだったから、しけんとしゅくだいはよくなかったと言っています。 でも、いい子でした。 高校の時アルバイトがあって、よくりおこうをしませんでした、でもたくさん友だちとあそんだったと言っています。 しゅますボウリングがすきでした。

Nakami-san's high school sounds pretty similar to mine!  Mine started at 8:05 and ran to 3:12, but I had the same experience of really only liking it because I had friends at the school.  And I don't think tests and homework are enjoyable in any county.  I did have a job in high school, but it was nothing special and I didn't work all that often during the school year.  I'd be interested in knowing more about the kinds of classes at Japanese high schools--what sort of subjects you could take, how demanding the courses are, etc.  I think it'd be really interesting to talk to someone who was able to attend a high school both here and in Japan to hear some of the differences firsthand.


  1. Many different subjects are offered at high schools in Japan and some are requirements and others are elective. Among arts classes, I chose Japanese calligraphy.

    In the second year at my high school, you had to decide which track you want to be , either math/science or non-math/science track. It also determined what classes you had to take.

    I felt that we just had to memorize everything and study for the tests. Often times, I wonder why I had to know these things, how important are they in my life, but I just studied for the sake of the exams...

  2. 私もボーリングするのが好きです。私の高校は3年生の時は午後のクラスがありませんでした。

  3. i would also like to know more about how Japanese students spend their time and what classes they could take. i think that the parents and the government are putting too much pressure on the kids. like they only get a few hours a sleep a night which is very bad for your health and for studying. here they always tell us to get at least 8 hours a sleep on a school night. well not every one does this i think we get more sleep.
