Sunday, September 26, 2010

高校の時 Interview

なかみさんと話しました。 友だちがいたから、高校はたのしかったと言っています。 なかみさんの高校は八時半にはじまって、四時におわります。 べんきょすろのがきらいだったから、しけんとしゅくだいはよくなかったと言っています。 でも、いい子でした。 高校の時アルバイトがあって、よくりおこうをしませんでした、でもたくさん友だちとあそんだったと言っています。 しゅますボウリングがすきでした。

Nakami-san's high school sounds pretty similar to mine!  Mine started at 8:05 and ran to 3:12, but I had the same experience of really only liking it because I had friends at the school.  And I don't think tests and homework are enjoyable in any county.  I did have a job in high school, but it was nothing special and I didn't work all that often during the school year.  I'd be interested in knowing more about the kinds of classes at Japanese high schools--what sort of subjects you could take, how demanding the courses are, etc.  I think it'd be really interesting to talk to someone who was able to attend a high school both here and in Japan to hear some of the differences firsthand.